Marion County, AL E-911 is responsible for assigning all street addresses in the county. We also maintain a database consisting of building descriptions, contact person(s) and other information for both residential and business addresses. This information helps responders find an address, and gives us a way to contact property owners in the event of an emergency.
Apply for New Address / Update Existing Address
If you need to request a new address, or if you want to make sure the information we have for an existing address is up to date, we highly recommend that you fill out the appropriate form below. Alternatively, you may call 205-921-5711 (Monday-Friday), or email addressing@marion911.net.
Please be aware that we do not address property, only structures or sites of future construction/placement.
Livestock Contacts
Did you know that we also maintain a list of livestock owners in the County? We use this information to contact owners in case livestock escapes into the roadway, or someone else's property. If you own or are responsible for livestock in Marion County, you can add yourself as a livestock contact.
You will not be contacted unless we believe your livestock have escaped, and potentially pose a threat to traffic or property.